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【5/2024】 Descaling Prevents Troubles in the Plant

Scale removed in one month
Scale removed in one month

As of May 2024, Enebloom has installed about 50 units of descaling systems for cooling towers in the Philippines. We use specialized water to clean contaminants such as scale in pipes and heat exchangers. The water used in this process is electrolyzed, making it very safe. There is no environmental impact. When water is electrolyzed and reduced, its molecular clusters are subdivided, increasing the surface area. This increased surface area enhances the water’s ability to dissolve dirt more effectively. Utilizing this principle, the system cleans the scale and other contaminants in pipes and heat exchangers. The removed scale is recrystallized on the electrode cover and collected.

When we installed a descaling system at a precision parts manufacturer in northern Luzon Island, we removed the largest amount of scale in a single month that we have ever seen in the Philippines (see photo). It is alarming to think that such a significant amount of scale accumulates inside pipes or heat exchanger pipes each month. Industrial water along the coast of the Philippines contains high levels of silica and calcium components. Please be aware if your company has plants near the sea.

A single descaling system is suitable for a 150 to 200 ton class cooling tower. Ideally, descaling should be performed about once a month. While some companies claim to handle their own descaling maintenance, in reality, they often struggle to maintain it properly.

 While there are maintenance costs, we recommend letting Enebloom handle it for you. We suggest that your company install descaling systems for cooling towers and leave the ongoing maintenance to us.

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