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【2/2023】Mold Cleaner and Cooling Tower Descaler Delivered to a Well-known Company's Toy Factory

In February, Enebloom delivered a mold cleaner and a cooling tower descaler to a well-known company’s toy factory in the Philippines.

The factory used many old and new molds on a rotating basis during the year and had difficulty managing the scale buildup caused by the cooling water. Since some of their molds contained aluminum, they were looking for products without hazardous chemicals, and our products caught their attention. After a performance evaluation with demo machines, they decided to install them.

One month after delivery, the purchasing manager said that “We use the water pipe cleaner every day, with no accidents. The products are a great help because the effectiveness can be checked visually and instrumentally so that we don’t have to worry about leaving them in the hands of our locally hired staff.”

Scale buildup is an issue for many customers. We perform monthly maintenance work on our cooling tower descalers, even after they are installed. During this work, it is not unusual for us to remove approximately 500 g of scale from electrode covers and piping. Owing to the poor water quality in Southeast Asia and the fact that our mold cleaners and descaling equipment are environmentally friendly as they reduce the use of chemicals, we can conclude that our products are well suited for Southeast Asia.

Enebloom offers free demonstrations of cooling water pipe cleaning systems for molds, under hoppers, oil coolers, temperature controllers, and heat exchangers, as well as of descaling equipment for cooling towers. We also offer cleaning services for customers to minimize their capex in favor of regular cleaning. Please feel free to contact us anytime. You will see and feel the remarkable cleaning action of our products.

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